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i have been interested in animation for many years now, ever since i discovered the Scratch animation community in the fall of 2015.

this page contains info on the cartoons i have created over the years, in order by release date.

current series

image goes here unnamed series starring Natinova

start date: maybe

a series that hasn't really started production yet. it will star Natinova though which is pretty cool

image goes here The Characsn Show

start date: August 22, 2020

a weird series starring Characsn the no-armed humanoid thing. currently on hold due to a lack of ideas

former series

image goes here Will and Katy Cartoon

start date: May 1, 2020 - end date: July 31, 2021

a very boring and bland series about two uninteresting characters doing things (don't watch this show it's boring as hell)

image goes here Battle for Anything

start date: April 26, 2018 - end date: July 28, 2018

an object show i made when i was 12. it's not very good.

image goes here Orangehead Adventures

start date: May 4, 2016 - end date: March 4, 2018

a series of bad scratch animations i made, mainly starring Orangehead and his friends. basically the successor to Nic0108 Animations

image goes here Random Stuff

start date: April 2, 2016 - end date: March 29, 2018

a ripoff of asdfmovie basically. this series had 5 episodes, all of which were just random=funny humor

image goes here Nic0108 Animations

start date: January 6, 2016 - end date: April 16, 2016

a series of scratch animations i made when i was 10. it has 49 episodes and none of them are particuarly good, probably because i was 10

image goes here PixelLand

start date: November 25, 2015 - end date: January 3, 2016

my first attempt at an animated series. it had 2 episodes and they both sucked and made no sense